Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 20: 3-26-'10

Having another wonderful day. Glad to finally be able to update this. I straightened my hair today and it is odd. I haven't done it in a while. It makes my hair look like spun copper. I love it.

I don't know if the collage thing is allowed in this challenge but I wanted to put it in anyway. I took like a million photos of myself today so I felt like sharing some.

I am going to go play WoW now.

Day 19: 3-25-'10

Again it was a really good day. I don't know why but lately I have been just so happy. Natie and I have been on really good terms. Though this day he was sort of a brat.

We went to my mom's and I played on the computer for hours. I got my WoW character to level 50! Woot! Go me!

I also spent a lot of time working on my book. "Demons Don't Cry©", which is the title.

Day 18: 3-24-'10

I had an inspection. It went really well. My sink got fixed and my house was clean. I had an overall good day.

Again I don't remember much from it, but I was super tired.

Day 17: 3-23-'10

Another day without a photo. My mother's birthday party. It was actually a pretty good party. That's about all I remember of that day.

Day 16: 3-22-'10

No photo. I didn't get a chance to take one. I was busy that day editing my brother's book. Reading my own book. I don't even remember getting on the computer that day at all.

Day 15: 3-21-'10

This day was my mom's birthday. She was out of town until late in the afternoon. We ate dinner and then I went back home. It was nice to sleep in my own bed.

I was tired and just agitated at Nathanial. Though I got almost all my chores done! Woot go me!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 14: 3-20-'10

It was an odd day. Everything about today was weird. My hair is really big because I took a nap and all my curls separated. The only bad thing about having naturally curly hair is that your hair gets really big and fluffy at times. lol

There really isn't much going on. Just getting over the horrible cold. Natie was a brat today. He was really bad. Though, he doesn't understand why we are staying at my mom's. Its really to save gas so that I don't have to drive out here twice a day while I am watching the dog. Since I don't have any pets I thought it was a good idea. That and my mom has internet. She was all for it. Wasting less gas means me begging her for less money. lol

Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 13: 3-19-'10

Okay, so I did a little more complex editing than I was supposed to do. (It wasn't that complex though.) So I did it anyway.

So, today is the first day of my parents being out of town, and my watching their place. Natie didn't take a long nap today, like thirty minutes. He was a brat all day.

I made delicious stir-fry for dinner tonight. I took the MOST relaxing bath I have had in a LONG time. My mother's guest bathroom's bathtub is really deep and you can like... just bask in it. It is the very best.

I am still a little sick. Its really weird. I think its because I smoke. I haven't smoked that much since I got sick though. The secret to quitting is to just get a respiratory infection.

Also, I am exhausted. But I want to use as much internet as I can before I have to go home to my internetless house.

I am also trying to convince people to model for me so that I can work on my photography. I just need to use a better camera. Mine makes things really bad quality.

I've been studying Numerology today. Its very interesting. I was watching the Tyra Show and they were talking about it.

Day 12: 3-18-'10

Aside from being sick, its been a really good week. I've got my house ready for inspection, well...except Natie's room. I am doing that one the night before and making him stay out of it all day! haha

I didn't get a chance to upload this yesterday because I was only at my mom's for a little while.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day 11: 3-17-'10

Today is St. Patrick's day. I was wearing a small green bracelet, but Natie stole it and lost it. lol

We're at my mom's doing more laundry. The photo was taken after he had a bath. He loves to snuggle after a bath. It is the highlight of my day with him. He makes life so wonderful. If it weren't for him I would honestly probably work and drink all the time. I don't really like to drink and I don't have a job, so I guess he did one good thing for me. haha

My step-dad is fixing the windows here, and Natie was running around trying to help him. I just put him down to take a nap, and he is being a stubborn boy and not falling asleep.

Well, I think I will be off, Warcraft is calling me. :)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 10: 3-16-'10

Sorry for the horrible picture quality. I had to use my webcam. I forgot my main camera at home. I also couldn't do much to edit this one because the pixels suck.

My internet got turned off today. Though overall its been a pretty good day. St. Patrick's day is tomorrow. So we can celebrate the fact that a man went in and converted all the pagans, and then killed the ones who wouldn't. But hey, its been centuries... who has hard feelings anymore?

I saw my brother and his wife today. Went to my mom's work and begged her for money. She gave me gas and diaper money. (I'm so sorry internet, my dear friend. For one day we will be reunited under my own roof!)

We're at my mom's right now doing laundry. I have the inspection in a week. I think I am close to being ready. My mom is going to watch Natie on Thursday so I can scrub the walls. He likes to think that its okay to color on them.

Anyways, I need to get off the computer and do something productive.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 9: 3-15-'10

Tired, sick... don't really have much to write. Its been a bad sort of day. I think I have strep, and Natie has it too. We went to my mom's today. (What's new... lol)

Been leveling on my VampireRave page. That's about it. I think I am going to shower, read and then go to bed.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 8: 3-14-'10

Daylight savings time! Too bad I never go anywhere so I didn't notice until halfway through the day! I thought someone was playing a prank on me by changing the clocks in my apartment. Then I realized how stupid that would be.

Today was a great day! I spent time with my grandmother at the train in the mall. My son decided that when he gets into trouble now that he needs to give me a kiss to get out of trouble. Too bad it doesn't work that way. I decided to not let the fact that he is cute get him out of trouble so easily.

Counting down days until the inspection in my apartment. Ten! I am no where near ready...there is crayon all over the wall. The bathtub needs a good scrub!

I decided to take away Natie's pacifier today and he is not happy about that. Though he's almost two! People would say I let it go far too long as it is.

I need to stop writing he's screaming at me.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 7: 3-13-'10

The darkness and sepia are for how...tired and drained I am. My son was really sick today, and so we were up all night, and of course he can't sleep during the day. He's a reverse vampire!

We lay in bed all day and watched The Secret Life of the American Teenager. What a long day its been.

I got back from my mom's not ten minutes ago, and bed is already sounding good. I saw my sister and my friend Sheryden there. That was nice.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 6: 3-12-'10

I've been trying to transition back to the 80's granted I only lived for a year and a half in the 80's. Though, I am obsessed with the style. All those bright colors, and the crazy hair!

Today I was in a great mood! I woke up before my son for the fifth morning in a row! It was awesome. Then I took a nap, and it was odd. I dreamed that I was laying there sleeping. I hate those dreams. The only reason I knew I was actually asleep is that when I awoke a different show was on the tv.

My son was off and on good today. For the most part cute. Its hard to get mad at him when he is so freaking cute! We went and visited my mom and we had a lot of fun.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Day 5: 3-11-'10

Today was great. I applied for a job, I cleaned my mom's house and I spent time with Sheryden and her beautiful Bella.

The photo was taken on my cell phone, hence the blur and bad quality! The edit is selective black and white because for some reason, everything went my way today. It was like I was the center of the spot light.

For some reason these words have been running through my head all day.

"You're begging me to go
then making me stay -
Why do you hurt me so bad?
It would help me to know
do I stand in your way
Or am I the best thing you've had?
Believe me
believe me
I can't tell you why
But I'm trapped by your love
and I'm chained to your side.
We are young
heartache to heartache we stand
no promises, no demads
love is a battlefield"

Pat Benatar is like an oracle! haha

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day 4: 3-10-'10

Today I feel good, I feel happy and renewed. Lots of things have been strange in my life lately. Though, today was pretty good. My son was puking, but in between sick fits, he was so much fun to be around. I thought he had the flu, until I found that he took some rotten yogurt out of the garbage. So he was sick from eating rotten yogurt. (Which is really gross! I shouldn't have waited so long to clean the fridge out!)

I just got out of the shower when Cassie reminded me to take a picture. Hence the towels.

Its been an odd day, I've been tired, and happy. Happiness from a child's laughter is the very best kind!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day 3: 3-9-2010

Today I am feeling down, a little sad. I've been so tired all day! All month! Though a good thing did happen! It snowed this morning! I love snow.

I do have hope. I might be getting a job soon. That makes me happy, but underneath it all I have this sorrow. I don't know where it is coming from.

After I finish this I am going to bed.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 2: 3-8-'10

I was so tired today, and a little sick. I think I was coming down with something. I just wanted to lay in bed all day. Even now, its only 10:20, my child has been in bed for almost two hours, but I feel like my day isn't yet complete.

I had to pull a few strings for this edit to work as minimal. It was the fact that using picnik is basically no work at all, and that was my arguing case. lol I'm glad it worked. When I look at it I feel like my exhaustion is so great that the color is fading from the photo. If that makes any sense.

Day 1: 3-7-'10

Day One of the Photo Booth Challenge. My friend and I decided to take a photo of ourselves every day and do minimal editing. Photos that show our emotions we were feeling.

This photo represents, annoyance. I was so, annoyed that day. For whatever reason, I just took the photo and I didn't mean for it to seem annoyed. I just took it and let it tell me what I was feeling. (Also my eyes look like super green in it!)