Okay, so I did a little more complex editing than I was supposed to do. (It wasn't that complex though.) So I did it anyway.
So, today is the first day of my parents being out of town, and my watching their place. Natie didn't take a long nap today, like thirty minutes. He was a brat all day.
I made delicious stir-fry for dinner tonight. I took the MOST relaxing bath I have had in a LONG time. My mother's guest bathroom's bathtub is really deep and you can like... just bask in it. It is the very best.
I am still a little sick. Its really weird. I think its because I smoke. I haven't smoked that much since I got sick though. The secret to quitting is to just get a respiratory infection.
Also, I am exhausted. But I want to use as much internet as I can before I have to go home to my internetless house.
I am also trying to convince people to model for me so that I can work on my photography. I just need to use a better camera. Mine makes things really bad quality.
I've been studying Numerology today. Its very interesting. I was watching the Tyra Show and they were talking about it.